4 Ways That Your Health Can Affect Your Bank Account

Many people don’t realize how closely connected their health and finances are.  Although money can’t buy you happiness, statistically, wealthy people tend to be healthy people.  

If you think about why, it makes sense.  Having more money means more access to doctors and medicine. People who have enough resources can rest and recover after a procedure rather than rushing back to work.  Stressing less about how much money you have means less damage to your body.  

Here are some of the ways that your finances can directly affect your well-being:

Mental Clarity

A person who leads an unhealthy lifestyle with poor nutrition and lack of exercise may suffer mentally.  When you pay attention to your health, your lifestyle makes you more capable of decision making.

Mental clarity means better organization and priorities.  People who have their priorities in check are more likely to make better decisions with their finances.  

People who have good finances sleep better and are less prone to stress.  As a result, they function better in their day-to-day lives.


A healthy person is able to work longer hours doing what they love doing.  They may even work after retirement because they love their job so much. Let’s face it, social security checks and pension aren’t that high.  Therefore, being healthy enough to work in your older age can significantly improve your financial situation.

Not only will you have more money in your bank account as a result of working more, but you’ll get out of the house more, providing more social interaction.

Nutritious Diet

Studies show that obesity is often a result of lack of income.  Nutritious food costs more money. Buying organic, wholesome, quality food requires more resources.  When you have the resources to be able to nourish your body well, your quality of life increases.

It’s reasonable to think that if you don’t have the self-control to say no to unhealthful lifestyle choices, then you probably don’t have the ability to hold back from frivolous purchases.


Engaging regularly in exercise will help promote sustained energy throughout the day.  You won’t just feel more energetic, but you’ll feel pride in your lifestyle.

Regular exercise keeps you on a path of confidence which can carry over to your job and interactions.

Working out reduces stress.  Some people react to stress by engaging in “ retail therapy.”  This form of stress-buying will lead to financial hardship.

Be sure to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.  Not only will you feel better mentally, but you’ll save yourself money on medical bills further down the road.  So if you’re holding back on paying for that gym membership that you feel is too expensive, compare the cost to a quadruple bypass in 20 years.